Saturday, June 24, 2006

The past

The past: memories
The present: starting over
The future: happiness

I'm moving next week and that means a lot of packing. I can't just pack the stuff, I have to go through it, read it and remember. There are a lot of memories that pops into my head while reading all the cards, letters and forgive-me-notes.

Is it good to go back to past, if only in your thoughts? You keep thinking, "what if", "what if". Don't get me wrong, Im happy with my life right now. I have a wonderful girlfriend, a cute dog, an apartment and a small summer house. In August I will start a new job, which I think will give the challenge I want. Still...

You can be happy in many various ways. I think I've been happy my whole life, one way or the other. Everybody have good and bad memories. What am I trying to say? I don't know. I just know that I am a bit emotional right now.

Breaking up from "my life" to start a new life in another town. Still with my family but a lot of things will change in my life. After nine years in one town you kind of get your own "net of friends" and base your life around it.

Im just babbling. Anyway, the future... will be bright, filled with love and exciting.
Ill start the future by going to bed now :)

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